Vaser Liposuction

What is Vaser Liposuction?

VASER liposuction, or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, is an advanced liposuction technique that uses ultrasonic energy to selectively target and break down unwanted fat cells, while preserving surrounding tissues such as nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. This minimally invasive procedure allows for precise and gentle fat removal, resulting in smoother, more refined body contours.

VASER Liposuction Guide

The VASER Liposuction Technique

During the VASER liposuction procedure, our plastic surgeon will begin by administering local anesthesia to the treatment area to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Once the area is numbed, a small incision will be made to insert the VASER probe, which emits ultrasonic waves. These waves specifically target fat cells, causing them to shake loose and liquefy without damaging other tissues.

After the fat is emulsified, a small cannula (thin tube) will be used to gently suction out the liquefied fat from the body. The VASER liposuction technique allows for precise sculpting, enabling our skilled surgeon to contour your body with precision and finesse. The procedure typically takes a few hours, depending on the extent of fat removal required and the number of areas being treated.

Benefits of VASER Liposuction

  1. Precision: VASER liposuction allows for precise fat removal, making it an excellent choice for sculpting delicate areas such as the chin, neck, and arms.
  2. Minimally Invasive: Compared to traditional liposuction, VASER liposuction requires smaller incisions, resulting in reduced scarring and faster recovery.
  3. Minimal Downtime: Many patients can resume light activities within a few days, with full recovery typically achieved within a few weeks.
  4. Tightened Skin: VASER liposuction can stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin tightness and firmness in the treated areas.

Recovery After VASER Liposuction

Recovery from VASER liposuction is generally well-tolerated and less invasive than traditional liposuction. While individual experiences may vary, here's what you can typically expect during the recovery period:

  1. Immediate Post-Op: After the procedure, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treated area. Your plastic surgeon may prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort.
  2. Compression Garment: A compression garment will be provided to help reduce swelling, promote healing, and support your newly contoured body. You'll be advised to wear this garment for a few weeks.
  3. Rest and Gentle Activity: It's essential to get plenty of rest during the initial recovery phase. Light walking is encouraged to promote blood circulation, but strenuous activities should be avoided for at least a few weeks.
  4. Follow-Up Appointments: You'll have scheduled follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Is VASER Liposuction Right for You?

The ideal candidate for VASER liposuction is someone who is close to their target weight but struggling with localized pockets of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. This procedure is not a weight-loss solution but rather a body contouring technique to refine your shape.

To determine if VASER liposuction is the right option for you, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our skilled plastic surgeons. They will assess your individual needs, discuss your goals, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique anatomy.

Detailed VASER Liposuction Guide

The Detailed VASER Liposuction Technique

1. Preparation

Before the VASER liposuction procedure, you will have a thorough consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and medical history. On the day of the procedure, the treatment area will be marked, and photographs may be taken for reference.

2. Anaesthesia

VASER liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia.

3. Tumescent Solution

The next step involves infusing the treatment area with a tumescent solution. This solution contains a combination of specilised sterilie solution and a medication that constricts blood vessels as well as local anaesthetic. The tumescent solution serves multiple purposes:

  • It helps numb the area, providing pain relief during and after the procedure.
  • It expands the fat cells, making it easier for the VASER probe to access and target them.
  • It constricts blood vessels, which reduces bleeding and bruising during and after the procedure.

4. Ultrasonic Emulsification

Once the tumescent solution has taken effect, the VASER liposuction procedure begins. Your plastic surgeon will make small incisions (typically around 3-4 mm) in discreet locations within the treatment area. Through these incisions, a thin VASER probe is inserted.

5. Targeting Fat Cells

The VASER probe emits ultrasonic energy at specific frequencies, which is carefully calibrated to target and break down fat cells while preserving other tissues like nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. The ultrasonic energy causes the fat cells to shake loose and emulsify into a liquefied form.

6. Emulsification and Aspiration

After the fat cells are emulsified, a small, specialised cannula is used to gently suction out the liquefied fat from the body. The cannula's size allows for precise control and smooth removal, resulting in less trauma to surrounding tissues.

7. Contouring and Sculpting

During the VASER liposuction procedure, your plastic surgeon has the opportunity to sculpt and contour the treated area, achieving your desired body shape. The ultrasonic energy allows for precise targeting of specific fat deposits, resulting in smoother and more natural-looking results.

8. Closing Incisions

Once the fat removal and contouring are complete, the incisions are carefully closed with sutures. In most cases, the incisions are tiny and require no stitches to be removed later as they heal.

9. Compression Garment

After the procedure, a compression garment will be placed over the treated area. This garment helps reduce swelling, supports the newly contoured tissues, and aids in the healing process. You'll be instructed to wear the compression garment for several weeks, as advised by your plastic surgeon.

Recovery After VASER Liposuction

1. Immediate Post-Op

After the procedure, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. Your plastic surgeon may prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort.

2. Drainage

Some patients may experience minor drainage from the incision sites, which is a normal part of the healing process.

3. Compression Garment

You'll be advised to wear the compression garment as directed to support the treated area, reduce swelling, and promote proper healing.

4. Rest and Gentle Activity

It's essential to get plenty of rest during the initial recovery phase. Light walking is encouraged to promote blood circulation, but avoid strenuous activities for at least a few weeks.

5. Follow-Up Appointments

You'll have scheduled follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Final Results

Over the following weeks and months, the swelling

Please call The Swan Clinic on 9526-6885 for more information about liposuction, or to request a consultation, please contact us today.

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